Saturday, November 1, 2008

Trick or Treat

Mike and Kristi
Mason with his "best friend" (as he says) Kira
with some neighbor kids
Parker (Beast), Mason (dragon), and Jackson (Ninja)
Halloween 2008- much like any other Halloween , except the weather was SOOOOOOOOOO beautiful. I cannot remember the last Halloween where it did not rain. The boys were anxious to trick or treat, so we left at exactly 4:00 (start time). We only went out for about an hour, as we had 2 Halloween parties to make appearances at. Considering the time frame--we ended up with a lot of candy. We then went over to our friends, the Trotters, who were having a party. Had good food, kids played a muumy game, did the limbo and freeze dance.......Then we were off to the Kapellas-where all the neighbors were hanging out. It was late night- we did not make it home until after 11-----but we had fun.

1 comment:

Lisa Kracinski said...

It was a beautiful night wasn't it? Love the kids costumes.