Attached are pictures of the rain water we had in the last couple of days. But let me explain how irritating this all is. (this is the shortened version of the story) Since we have moved in here (July 2004), we have had drainage problems. Our sales lady flat out lied to us and told us that this water on the lot would be graded away. We repeatedly asked to speak to an engineer to confirm this. She would not grant our request. So we accepted her statement and went on with building the hosue. A berm was put in the back of my yard with some storm water inlets to help with drainage. My yard gets soppy with heavy rain, and the manhole covers the village put in to help the problem keep getting cloggd and covered with debris.
Then in August 2007 there was tons of heavy rain. A man-made damn up the hill broke and a gush of water came our way, flooded my next door neighbors basement with water and all sorts of much that the water brought her way. My yard was covered with what-ever the water brought--rocks, mulch, our large plastic house, etc. We have since been trying to get the village to remedy the situation. I mean--its only been a year---how long does this process take?? So this past weekend, we again had heavy rain. The water was rising over the berm and coming into my yard. (We were afraid it would soon head to the hosue). We probably had about ankle deep water in the grass. Behind the berm, it was up to our knees. Mike, my Dad and my neighbor Nate were out there trying to get the debris moved and put up logs and sandbags to block the water flow. Thankfully it worked. I went out to take more pictures so I can take them to the next village board meeting to ask them what the heck is going on.
1 comment:
That's so frustrating. I hope they do something about it!
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