So Mike actually wrote the first entry to get this started. I have pestered him to help me set this up and he finally did. Like my friend Lisa, I feel a bit dumb writing in here and wonder who will actually read it. Maybe this will help me to keep everyone up to date on the happenings with the boys.
School started last week, August 19th to be exact. Jackson is in 1st grade, Parker in 3rd......I feel really old to think I have a 3rd grader.........All went well on the first day of school...no tears, even from mom...I am getting to be a pro at sending them off to school....yeah right. Jackson is having a difficult time adjusting to getting up early in the morning. I swear he could sleep until 9 am if I left him. I had to set up a rewards/bribery system with him. It was taking him 55 minutes just to get dressed and eat breakfast. So I told both boys, once they are done with getting dressed, breakfast , teeth brushed and bed made (yes, bed made), they can watch cartoons until it is time to go out to the bus. and you know what?? it worked, he was dressed with 12 minutes to spare. And, I didn't have to yell at all. What a great morning. I added some pictures form the 1st day of school. One of them has Mason, as he wanted to be included.
1 comment:
too cute! I think thats so funny about your "bribe"---glad it worked for you--makes for such a BETTER MORNING =) wink wink! (Now with Jordan in K-5 its cute to watch my other 2 boys--they are so sad they can't go with him).
Well, great job on your first post! You'll get the hang of it pretty fast, believe me!! If you have any questions just ask! See you around!!
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