We have had a busy month with all the shopping, decorating, wrapping and holiday parties..........December 6th was Mike's mom's family party at his aunt's house.....We saw my Dad's side of the family on December 13th at my cousin's house.........Had a holiday gathering with some neighbors on the 19th......Mike's step-dad's family gathering was on the 20th at his parent's home......got together with some friends on the 21st (not a holiday gathering, but we only see them about twice a year since they live in North Carolina)........I took the boys to the Trotters on X-mas Eve. Mike had to work at the station and our friends were having a shin-dig at their house and were so kind to invite us over. Christmas Day we went to my parents for dinner and then Mike's parents came over in the evening..........It has been a busy month!
My boys were so excited for Christmas to come. Especially Parker....he sooooo wanted that IPOD nano he has been talking about. Since Mike was working on Christmas Eve, I was on my own for set up---if you know what I mean. I told the boys not to get up before 7 am......Parker is an early riser and I sure didn't want to be up before the sun. So 7:01 he comes into my room, all excited. We woke up the other 2 sleeping children and headed down to inspect the stocking contents and then (patiently) waited until Daddy arrived home from work at 7:25. Mason was cute--he would rip a corner of paper off of the present and start squealing without even knowing what was inside. Jackson and Parker were both happy to find presents and hand them out. Mean-while , Parker is looking for a reeeaaalllly small box under the tree that might contain an IPOD........ After all the presents were open--I sent them to the basement to get some gifts that I said i had left down there. Mike and my Dad quickly brought in the lego table for Jackson ( it was hidden in the garage). He walks up to it --wide eyed--and after I told him it was for him -he says "now I don't have to sit down!!" (this lego table is much taller and bigger than the one we had. Uncle Kenny made this table for us...Thanks Uncle Kenny!!!). Mason opens his present--which was the Geo-Trax airport and he says "the air-plane-port--that is what I was talking about!"......Parker opens up his itty bitty box and .......smiles......ah....it's the IPOD nano he wanted.......alll the kids are happy..........It has been a busy season. My kids are truely blessed and fortunate. They received MANY gifts that I now need to find places for. Parker's gifts were the IPOD, book, video games, board games, carnivorose plant kit, clothes, etc.....Jackson received video games, legos, legos and more legoes, lego table, board games, clothes, magna tiles, transformers........and Mason was given matchbox tracks, Geo-trax, Imaginext jungle, trucks , games, Mr. Potato Head, etc.........