Saturday, April 4th, was a beautiful day for an Easter egg hunt at the park district. It was sunny and a bit chilly.....but nice enough out. We lined up in the middle of two different fields of eggs. There were 2000 eggs on each side, however, it was not divided up according to age groups. (and there were TONS of people) I started thinking...this is not going to be good...poor Mason is not going to get any eggs. The Easter bunny arrived on Thomas the Train! The count down began......and off the kids went. Mason wanted to run on his own, so I ran a few feet in front of him encouraging him to go faster.I would stop to point at an egg for him, but ended up picking it up or some other child would have snagged it. He ended up with 3 eggs. Parker and Jackson each had about 15. Mason was quite excited afterwards that to sit on the train and get his picture taken with Thomas.
Sunday was our egg hunt at the church. It was divided into 3 different age categories. The prognosis seemed better for this hunt, as there were 5000 eggs...and less kids. The countdown began.....and Mason was able to fill his small basket with eggs---completely to the top --and all on his own. Parker and Jackson were also able to get about 20 eggs each.